Hi Ashley! While I read this dispatch I wondered what makes people (me) a good writer, like I wonder every day, i.e. what I can do more, what I can do less, what I can do right. Also while reading your words I felt a searing need to...inject them into my veins, for one. I feel very similarly to how you do, about writing. Then I concluded: what makes you a good writer (for me) is your ability to, so beautifully, put into words something so many of us feel, but don't know if it's a real thing. I think it's one of the nicest things a writer can offer to the faceless audience that the internet it -- some reassurance.

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Ah! My heart! I'm so shocked and flattered. Thank you for reading and leaving such kind words — I'll try my best to live up to them. :)

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i love this. I love you. This made me cry.

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Keep writing, AZ. Best part of this piece was yr points of advice. All worthwhile. The mark of excellent writing is ruthless editing. And reading more broadly, I liked that one, especially.

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Hey I short of both laughed and cried when I read your newsletter . I don't know why ?!!

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cool stuff

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my god. its currently 12:19 am here in australia. i can't sleep and have been mindlessly scrolling through the internet. i have some how stumbled here. I never thought writing could get this beautiful. Out all the books, articles, etc i have read in my life, you are by far the best writer i have ever encountered. My name is Edward and i am looking forward to reading whatever you create.

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Write. Write. Write. There's nothing more beautiful then witnessing personal growth and intellectual maturity through an artistic medium. The current digital age is obsessed with political aesthetic and lacking in self-awareness. This space is a breath of fresh air.

Writing online truly is another beast and something I gave up too easily. Don't do the same!

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