Really love your writings! Can't wait to

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"I feel incurably delusional, a quixotic dreamer who spends more time basking in grand visions than turning them into reality." Oh wow, does that ever hit a nerve. I refer to my own "basking in grand visions" as the percolating of ideas - ever brewing in my mind but very seldom do I pour a cup.

"It felt frivolous to indulge in a world of make-believe and cultivate an online persona when my real one felt so primitive." Isn't this (most of) us all, at the end of the day? Except for the few who toil away incessantly at their dreams, I think most of us feel like primitive versions of ourselves, and publishing here is not meant for those who are fully actualized but rather as part of the process for those who are in the midst of the journey.

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